FSE Law Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Havelschanze 87
D-13587 Berlin
E-Mail: info@fselaw.com
T: +49 (30) 80 58 98 70
F: +49 (30) 80 58 98 71
Managing Director: Robert Glass
Company Reg-No. HRB 132470 B – AG Charlottenburg
USt-Id : DE277445568
Tax-ID: 27/423/06831
FA Kö II, Berlin
Responsible bar association:
FSE Law Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH licensed in Germany is liable to the supervision of the bar association Berlin (www.rak-berlin.de).
The office of the RAK Berlin is located at:
Littenstraße 9, 10179 Berlin
Telephone: +49 (30) 30 69 31 0
Telefax: +49 (30) 30 69 31 99
E-Mail: info@rak-berlin.de
The attorneys at law working for the company are members of the local bar association which is responsible for their license (for information about each local bar association see www.brak.de/Rechtsanwaltskammern.de).
Respective professional provision of the attorneys at law:
Job title: Attorney at law, Rechtsanwalt (Bundesrepublik Deutschland). For information about the provisions applying for the attorneys at law see www.brak.de/Berufsrecht.de.
Professional liability insurance:
Attorneys at law are commited to effect a professional liability insurance due to legal requirements according to BRAO (§§ 51, 59j Abs. 2).
Our standard liability insurance cover amounts to € 10,000,000 per year. On a case-by-case basis the insurance cover is extended to up to € 100,000,000.
Avoiding conflicts of interest:
The notice of conflicting interests is not permitted to attorneys at law due to their respective professional provision (§ 43a Abs. 4 BRAO). Before acceptation of a mandate the existence of a conflicting interest will always be considered.